100 New artist
Art book
100 New artist by Francesca Gavin ISBN 978-1-85669-734-7 Publisher Laurence King
Art book
Aanwinst Kunstcollectie Hogeschool Rotterdam pagina 223, 224, 225ISBN 978-94-6190-111-8
Art magazine
Tableau fine arts magazine 37 ste jaargang Nr.4 Oktober 2015
Dutch newspaper
‘Zeitzgeist’ interview/ article about artproject ‘If paradise is half as nice’ #7. Do. 10 augustus 2017
Sleek magazine
German Art/ fashion magazine
Big/small issue (autumn) 2008-20 p.59
Silent magazine
Russian Art/ fashion magazine
Spring 2016. Digital magazine
Publications list:
De Volkskrant. ‘Kunstenaarscollectief Ipihan tovert in vijf weken een verlaten Noors dorp om tot een kunstparadijs’ Cultuurbijlage 13 Maart 2023
ARTNEWS review about documentary ‘If paradise is half as nice’ 27 Jan 2022
NPO2 extra (Dutch television) broadcasted documentary IPIHAN#9. about our art project If paradise is half as nice. 2022 Jan [NL]
IFFR International film festival Rotterdam. Documentary If paradise is half as nice. 2022 Jan- feb [NL]
Dagblad van het Noorden. woe 28 juli 2021 artikel ‘dichter op het land’, schokland [NL]
BK Informatie. 2021-5 beeldverslag ijsselbiennale [NL]
De Volkskrant. Donderdag 10 augustus 2017 article about the IPIHAN #7 Project, Zeitz, Germany [NL]
Pandora kunst en literatuur magazine Jaargang 6 nr.3 2017 {NL]
Silent Magazine for art, fashion and actual culture. Spring 2016. Moscow, [Russia]
O&O CBK Book interview by Sandra Smets (NRC handelsblad) [NL]
Tableau fine arts magazine 37ste jaargang NR 4 oktober 2015 [NL]
Aanwinst Kunstcollectie hogeschool Rotterdam. book about the art collection HRO. pagina 223, 224, 225 ISBN 978-94-6190-111-8 [NL]
What's up nr. 10, 2011 Emmo en Karmin [NL]
100 NEW ARTIST. Book about young contemporary artist by Franscesca Gavin ISBN 978-1-85669-734-7 by Laurence king publishers. [UK]
ROOMS Magazine, London based contemporary art magazine. Issue # 4 [UK]
Brabants dagblad, 1 april 2011, review about solo show 'MYCOSE' at Galerie Kappur [NL]
VOLKSKRANT. 2 maart 2010, review about the exhibition 'The Nomadic Condition', Stedelijk museum 's-Hertogenbosch. [NL]
ARTFORUM. review about the exhibition 'transformations', MK Gallery Berlin, 2009-summer/XLVII- no. 10 pp. 353-354 [USA]
3RD WARD New York City Fall 2009 Article about the solo show at 3rd ward [USA]
WHAT’S UP. Art magazine, 2009/2 p.38 [NL]
Art Magazin, review ART Rotterdam: www.art-magazine.de [DE]
Metropolis M, review of exhibition 'ecoscape' TENT. Rotterdam
www.metropolis.com [NL]
Weburbanist, fanbased artist showcase part 2 www.weburbanist.com [INT.]
SLEEK MAGAZINE. Magazine for art and fashion. Big/small issue (autumn) 2008-20 p.59 [DE]
JUNGE KUNST. art magazine. no.76. 2008/02 pp.26-31 [DE]
LEEN. magazine of centrum beeldende kunst 2008/01 [NL]
Monopol, German art e-magazine, announcement ARTRMX Cologne [DE]
'kunst van de dag' by Rommert Boonstra for www.galeries.nl [NL]